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2003-07-25 - 3:58 p.m.


My family doctor is the coolest doctor ever. He's my age and is married to a girl that I went to high school with. These two factors combined together make me very relaxed around him, and while I still call him Dr. M, I also call him names like "dude" and "honey." Not like "honey" like you call your significant other, but "huuunnny," signifying an "oh gheez" type of feeling.

My doctor and his wife just had a little baby girl three weeks ago. Her name is Madeline and she is adorable. He was showing me pictures of her and I was asking him how he and his wife are adjusting to the world of parenthood and he said "can I ask you a question? not a doctor/patient question, but a person to person question?" and I said "shoot, dude!"

He said that his wife is a little "emotional" and wanted to know if this is normal three weeks after delivery and how long did I think it was going to last and I was like "dude, is she yelling at you yet that you don't bathe the babe the right way? or that you don't hold her the right way and stuff?" and he said "yeah, pretty much. She's either crying all of the time, or she's pissed about something."

I told him that being a doctor and all he should know all about hormones and post-partum depression and crap and that it would eventually all work itself out.

I'm seeing my doc because he has prescribed Lexapro (an anti-depressant) for me and I have to visit him once a month for three months for insurance purposes. The medication is working wonderfully for me, I have not felt this good in years. We were talking about how I've been feeling and he would always revert back to the conversation that we were having about his wife's emotions and I said "huuunny, look at it this way. If her hormones and stuff don't balance out soon, you can alway prescribe some Lexapro for her!" Then we both just started to laugh and he took me into his other office and showed me some more pictures.

He also asked me if I thought that raising a girl was harder than raising a boy (this of course being before Mary's breakdown at The Ground Round) and I hated to tell him that yes, boys are much easier than girls. He said that his daughter screamed at the top of her lungs for the first two days of her life and I said "watch out, my daughter did the same thing and she's hell on wheels." He looked a little frightened by this. It was pretty funny.

I told him not to stress too much because even though you can read all of the parenting books in the world and can receive tons of well-intentioned advice from the "been there, done that" crowd and none of it matters until you learn what works for you as a parent. I also told him that with the second child, things are much easier because you don't worry as much that you are doing something wrong. He was like "oh man, I can't even THINK about having another one anytime soon."

As their little girl is the most adorable baby girl I've ever seen (next to my own, of course) I think that Dr. M. and his wife should populate the earth with their good-looking offspring as often as they can. It would just be a good service to all of humankind.

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I'M EDDIE'S GIRL - 2003-10-05
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